Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election 2006: Dem Momentum?

Bob Casey beats Rick Santorum in an early projection. This was called very early with Santorum's results horribly lethargic. With late polls showing that this race was tightening, does an easy Casey win signal wider Dem success? Maybe, with Iraq becoming a major issue - and one that caused GOPers to lose - in spotty races.

Howard Dean's appearance on CNN around 8:15 showed him exuding quiet confidence in his Dem plan. He should have confidence after Northrup, Hostettler and Chocola have gone down in KY and IN, two red states that were Dem long shots. It's hard to ignore the big shift in the Dem's favor tonight. Even Bob Menedez, the only Dem in the Senate with a tough reelection fight, is going well, fighting off GOPer Tom Kean in NJ with ease so far. It almost - almost - feels like a sweep. Wait...maybe we'll wait on that...


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