Monday, September 18, 2006

Barack at the steak fry

The general consensus on Barack Obama's appearance yesterday at Tom Harkin's big bash in Iowa is that he just turned himself into a 2008 contender. Iowans love the guy.

"The sooner he runs, the better," is how Sheila Pottebaum, a Des Moines psychologist, described her feelings about calls for the first-term Illinois Democrat to jump into the presidential race. "He has the personality and the moral convictions."

Obama overjoyed the Dem brass by taking a tough stance on national security during his speech.

But he tried to cool down heated speculation about him running in '08.

"My only attentions right now are focused on ’06," said Obama. "Whoever is looking toward 2008 without focusing on 2006 makes a mistake."

The question is, how long will that attitude last? A new poll shows that 38% of llinois voters want Obama to wait until 2012 to run for president. Will he listen? Or will he just tag along as Hillary's Veep?


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