Saturday, December 02, 2006

2008:Vilsack Gets Serious (sort of)

The first official '08 presidential candidate launched his first real campaign tour yesterday. Tom Vilsack, that greenhorn Iowan Dem, swung through New Hampshire, stopping at key places in the second-most important primary state for 2008. He barely registered a response from Granite State residents, mainly drawing party die-hards to his various events. But it's a start for the Dem long shot. He knows that, while not having it wrapped up by any means, he probably is assured of a strong showing in his home state. That means he must jet around to every other key primary state in order to actually let Dem voters know that he exists. That seems to be his biggest problem so far - and in the future. Although another problem may crop up as attention is shined upon the many scandals - major and minor- that have embroiled Gov. Vilsack while in office. That issue may have legs in this era of extreme voter anger towards corrupt officials.

Vilsack at least has already formulated his campaign strategy, although it's one that seems to entirely hinge on John McCain becoming the face of the GOP and then winning the GOP primary. Vilsack has become quite skilled in McCain bashing. His only policy talk while campaigning in NH was focused entirely on JMac's "more troops" Iraq plan.

"We've stretched our military too thin," Vilsack said, "and I'm not quite sure where Senator McCain thinks we can get these troops. I think he is wrong." Vilsack refused to speculate on whether McCain will be the GOP nominee.

He then proceeded to become more simplistic about foreign policy:

Vilsack said that as a governor, he expects to face questions about his knowledge of foreign policy.
"I know this," he said, "The current direction of our country is not one that we're very excited about. We don't like the notion that people around the world don't like us, are not inspired by us, and some fear us."

If elections were won by being the most ardent, energetic and earliest campaigner, Vilsack would have the Dem nomination in the bag. But they're not. Gotta give him props for getting out there, though. He gives sites like PB a valid excuse to write about '08. Thanks, Tom!


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