Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Quinnipiac Thermometer: Rudy, McCain, and Obama are Hot

Quinnipiac University's quarterly "national thermometer reading" poll is arguably the best poll out there. No, not for predicting who will win anything, but simply for fun. It rates the "feelings" and "warmth" of voters toward national figures - presidential candidates and others. You have Pelosi and the Clinton's in there, as well as GWBush.

So, what are the results? Very good news for the three guys in this post's heading.

Here are the scores and the percentage not knowing enough about the figure to make a decision:

1) Rudolph Giuliani - 64.2. (9)
2) Sen. Barack Obama 58.8 (41)
3) Sen. John McCain 57.7 (12)
4) Condoleezza Rice - 56.1 (7)
5) Bill Clinton - 55.8 (1)
6) Sen. Joseph Lieberman - 52.7 (16)
7) NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg - 51.1 (44)
8) John Edwards - 49.9 (20)
9) Sen. Hillary Clinton - 49 (1)
10) N.M. Gov. Bill Richardson - 47.7 (65)
11) Sen. Joseph Biden 47 (52)
12) Nancy Pelosi 46.9 (34)
13) Gov. Mitt Romney - 45.9 (64)
14) Former VP Al Gore - 44.9 (3)
15) President George Bush - 43.8 (1)
16) Sen. Evan Bayh - 43.3 (75)
17) Newt Gingrich - 42 (15)
18) Sen. Bill Frist - 41.5 (53)
19) Sen. Harry Reid - 41.2 (61)
20) Sen. John Kerry - 39.6 (5)

How low can John Kerry go? Dead last? Ouch...

Rudy is still the most loved politicians in the country, getting an incredible 64% "warmth" rating. McCain is not far behind, but those that like JMac also undoubtedly love Rudy, making the hero of 9/11 probably their overall choice. The GOP - and McCain's team - are going to have to do some serious trashing to knock Rudy off of his 9/11 pedestal.

However, it's a bit foolish to look too much into a poll based on "feelings". Otherwise, Winnie the Pooh would be Prez.


At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree that Senator Obama is too young, being that he is only two years into the Senate. I think that in 2012 or 2016 he could make a great candidate, however, for 2008 the obvious choice for Obama supporters who think he is just two inexperienced is Senator Evan Bayh Of Indiana. Senator Bayh is a former Seceratary Of State in Indiana as well as a two term governor. He is the youngest governor in state history. He strongly opposes all of the negative advertising from many candidates and is for a "straight talk" Pro Bayh campaign. He is very Bayh/bi-partisan and middle of the road, much like President Clinton. Senator Bayh is extremely fiscally responsible, shows great international policies, is very smart and articulate, as well as that he drags a very conservative red region that could possibly make the difference in the general election. I am yet to start talking about his 21st Centuries Scholars program that gives all children a chance for a college scholorship as well as he has done much much more, he has the experience and leadership skills neccesary and I think he is a wise choice. If your interested there are some great clips and information on him on BayhPartisan.com; YouTube.com; as well on his Senatorial website.

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree that Senator Obama is too young, being that he is only two years into the Senate. I think that in 2012 or 2016 he could make a great candidate, however, for 2008 the obvious choice for Obama supporters who think he is just two inexperienced is Senator Evan Bayh Of Indiana. Senator Bayh is a former Seceratary Of State in Indiana as well as a two term governor. He is the youngest governor in state history. He strongly opposes all of the negative advertising from many candidates and is for a "straight talk" Pro Bayh campaign. He is very Bayh/bi-partisan and middle of the road, much like President Clinton. Senator Bayh is extremely fiscally responsible, shows great international policies, is very smart and articulate, as well as that he drags a very conservative red region that could possibly make the difference in the general election. I am yet to start talking about his 21st Centuries Scholars program that gives all children a chance for a college scholorship as well as he has done much much more, he has the experience and leadership skills neccesary and I think he is a wise choice. If your interested there are some great clips and information on him on BayhPartisan.com; YouTube.com; as well on his Senatorial website.


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