Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Frist Says No To '08 Run

Today, Bill Frist added his name to the growing list of politicians not running in their respective party presidential primaries in 2008. The purported reason given out by Frist was that he anted a break from politics.

"Karyn and I will take a sabbatical from public life," Frist said in a statement. "At this point a return to private life will allow me to return to my professional roots as a healer and to refocus my creative energies on innovative solutions to seemingly insurmountable challenges Americans face."
"In the short term, I will resume my regular medical mission trips as a doctor around the world to serve those in poverty, in famine, and in civil war," Frist said.

That's nice. But what Frist won't delve into is the obvious fact that he was dropping fast as even a possible Veep contender for the GOP. His deep involvement in the Terri Schiavo fiasco and myriad ethical issues caused many in the GOP to sour on Frist. He seemed GWBush's sure successor after the GOP victory in '04, when Frist and W became politically close.

But his missteps and the drastic change in the mood of voters had set Frist back in any attempt to revitalize his already ailing '08 bid. This simply further paves the way for the inevitable: an awkward showdown between Giuliani and McCain.

So much for the multitude of Frist 2008 merchandise.


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