Monday, October 09, 2006

Foley Fallout: Tom Reynolds

Rep. Thomas Reynolds, the chair of the GOP's Congressional Campaign Committe and deeply involved in the Foley scandal, is beginning to feel the effects of his involvement, literally and figuratively speaking.

Reynolds cancelled a scheduled appearance on ABC's "This Week" program on Sunday (where he would face off against Rahm Emanuel) after more questions had been raised about the actions of the GOP's House leadership in the Foley mess and after a new poll had Reynolds trailing his Democratic challenger in his House race by nearly 20-points. His absence was blamed on a bad case of the flu, and that's what Political Buzz was told as well. L.D. Platt, a spokesman for Reynolds, told PB that his boss "... has a flu that was made worse by a week of 15 hour days."

That huge deficit in his NY race is bound to make Tom feel a lot worse. He is sure to be the most prominent GOPer to lose his seat specifically due to the Foley scandal. Having his chief of staff (Kirk Fordham) first be accused of hiding evidence of Foley's lewd messages and then turning himself in and pointing the finger of blame at Reynolds and the GOP was too big a bombshell to overcome.


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