New poll on Foley fallout
A brand new NBC/WSJ poll is now out showing the preliminary effects of the Foley scandal on voters. The poll is only accessible to WSJ online subscribers, but The Hotline has a concise rundown of what it has to say. A small excerpt:
-Bush's job rating: 39% (down from 42%)
-By a 41-18% margin, Americans say "recent news developments" have made them "less favorable" toward continued GOP control of Congress.
-By a 34-23% margin, Americans say these "developments" have made them more "favorably inclined" toward Dem control.
These numbers could spell doom for the GOP come November. If the scandal deepens or even continues as is, voters will get more and more disillusioned with politicians that they are increasingly seeing as out of touch with reality.
Forget an "October surprise". With the way things are progressing, the GOP may need a November 6 surprise to keep control of Congress.
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