Sunday, December 10, 2006

2008: Obama in NH

Dem superstar Obama journeyed across New Hampshire today, leaving stunned, smitten and screaming crowds in his wake. He posed for pics with toddlers, revved up cheering Dem crowds, and yet still tried to play down the deafening buzz surrounding his apparent run in 2008.

“It is flattering to get a lot of attention, although I must say it is baffling,” he said here late this afternoon.
“I think to some degree I’ve become a short-hand or symbol or stand-in for a spirit that the last election in New Hampshire represented,” he said. “It’s a spirit that says we are looking for something different — we want something new.”

Better get used to it, BO. Granite State Dems are fawning over him, urging him to run and pledging support at every turn. And it's the same across the country. Obama fever is here to stay, and it looks like it just might blow Hillary out of the '08 pond. Will she even make a run?



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